nanonovels by jules horne

Nanonovels is Alive!

My short story collection, Nanonovels, is the first book in the Texthouse series. Nanonovels is a collection of microshort fiction written in 150 days, inspired by an experiment in creativity.

My experiment had three inspirations:

  • theatre improv (where fear meets joy)
  • OuLiPo, the French ‘potential literature’ workshop, which plays with creative limitations.
  • John Cage’s 4’33” music composition

The Nanovels are odd, dark, funny, grotesque and short. My feeling is they should be read a bit like prose poems, one a day, with space in between.

I wrote about the literary tradition of microshort fiction a while back for an article in The Guardian newspaper, which you can read here.

The cover designs are by the amazing Felicity Bristow and were developed with a literary series in mind. So look out for more books to come!

Meanwhile, nanonovels are all about diving in and being creative for yourself. So check out the book and have a go!

Where to get the book.